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Spare Some Change – Part II

I owe you a blog post. Several, actually, but let’s not get into that. A few weeks ago I posted here about an experiment in personal change. This was an attempt to change one of the things most ingrained in my daily life: my sleep patterns. I’ve been a reluctant sleeper for as long as… Continue Reading


I’m super-excited to be working on a new Bible Study series called Namesake.  This is the culmination of years of a minor-obsession I have with names in the Bible, where they come from, and how God often changes people’s names when He changes them.  The series will start August 21 on Sunday mornings and Tuesday nights.  I’ll… Continue Reading

Family reunion

Our little family is on a road trip together this weekend.  One day’s four hour drive and the next day’s six hour drive (with a one-year-old in the back seat) are almost complete, and I’ve only wanted to bang my head on the window a few times during the thousandth rendition of “The Wheels on… Continue Reading

Spare some change

I’m working on a new project that has me thinking a lot about change lately.  Can people really change over time?  I’ve seen marriages broken up because one person expected the other to change and it never happened. I’ve known people in the second half of life who look back with disappointment at their own… Continue Reading

Me and my shadow

Nothing like having someone looking over your shoulder to make you more mindful of your actions. To make you measure your motivations, anticipate your words. All in a way you would not if you were acting alone. I’ve spent most of the summer so far with a shadow: Our church’s Pastoral Intern, Travis, who has just… Continue Reading

Know it all

Trust me.  I know what I’m doing.  I’m a mom. Moms are supposed to have all the answers.  They’re supposed to know what to do in tough situations. When you were little and something went wrong or you were hurt you went straight to your mom for help. When you did something that got you… Continue Reading

Get comfortable being uncomfortable

Things were quiet. Too quiet. I sat in a circle of 10 people who had no idea what to say.  The uneasy silence came during a meeting of our small group that had been together for several months.  Usually we were a talkative bunch. I had to struggle to keep people on topic because we… Continue Reading

These things just don’t happen to normal people

In honor of the 2011 Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church that ended today. One of the gifts that women give each other at the birth of a baby is called a diaper cake.  It’s a bunch of diapers rolled up and stacked to resemble a multi-tiered wedding cake and then decorated with… Continue Reading

My new Bible Study series is finally out!

I’m beyond excited to let you know about the release of the “Women in the Word” Bible Study.  This DVD series of six lessons and the companion workbook to be used by individuals or groups is something I’m incredibly proud of.  It’s the result of a lot of work by a lot of people and… Continue Reading