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Q&A Interview with Abingdon Women

I was asked to do an interview here on the blog with Abingdon Women about the Namesake Bible study.  I’m thrilled that it’s being released in February and can’t wait to see how God will use it. AW: Jessica, what has your first experience as a published author been like? Have you experienced anything unusually… Continue Reading

The Problem With Princesses

When we named our daughter Katherine Juliet, friends commented that her name sounded like royalty, or at least like some character out of Shakespeare.   The Kate most talked about in the news in the last couple of years is actual royalty, a real life princess: the beautifully poised young woman who will probably be the next… Continue Reading

Kate’s birth story

The name of this blog was chosen intentionally to reflect the see-saw nature of my life: back and forth between giving energy and attention to my dual roles as Reverend and Mother. Sometimes those shifts happen so quickly that I feel a little like a ping-pong ball bouncing between two worlds.  But there are also seasons… Continue Reading

She’s let herself go

When we’re children, our moms seem like know-it-alls.  They are the ones in control. The ones who say when we go to bed and how many bites of green beans we have to eat before we get any ice cream and then how long we have to wait after eating to go swimming.  They always… Continue Reading

Gethsemane – the power of surrender

The journey of Holy Weekend begins on Maundy Thursday.  Thursday was a big day for Jesus.  A friend said to me tonight: It started out with a party, but it didn’t stay that way for long. Jesus went from washing his disciples’ feet to eating a supper he called his body and blood. At that… Continue Reading

One little letter

Jeff was one of our favorite speakers to invite to speak to our youth groups.  He always had a powerful presentation, always held the attention of even the most A.D.D. teenagers, and (cardinal rule of youth ministry) he always had them crying by the end.  Jeff’s testimony centered around his own teenage years, when he… Continue Reading

Social Media and Ministry

Today I’m giving a presentation on “Social Media and Ministry” to a group of Christian Educators.  It was fun actually using social media to prepare for the presentation by posting a request on Facebook and Twitter for people to share ways they’ve seen social networking impact ministry in positive and negative ways.  The response was… Continue Reading

Going Public

Only epic Facebook news could produce 314 “likes” and 195 comments.* And epic news is what we have.  Jim and I were blown away by the congratulatory responses to our announcement on Facebook last week that we are expecting a baby in June of 2012.   Who knew so many people wanted us to continue… Continue Reading

Slacktivism: How raising awareness is hurting the cause

The night that Casey Anthony was acquitted, my Facebook and Twitter feeds lit up with people raging against the perceived lack of justice that had been done by letting her go when most of the nation believed her to be guilty. Statuses on my Facebook wall ranged from: “Justice is in God’s hands only.” to… Continue Reading