Fear of Blogging #2 – Throwing a party and nobody comes

Review and top posts for June 2011

Party of One

This is the first “month in review” post for Reverend Mother, and I feel a bit like throwing a party!

When I first dipped my toe into the blogosphere, one of my greatest fears was that I would put my heart out there and no one would show up.  What if I started talking and no one was listening? Or what if it was just my mom, commenting again and again with: “Good job, Sweetie!”

Turns out that fear (as most of them are) was unfounded, a waste of thoughts and energy on the negative.  Instead, you showed up. And read. And commented. And blessed me more than I can even tell you!

Some of my favorite moments this month:

  • People stopping me in the hallway to talk about a blog post or saying: “Hey Reverend Mother!” (None of you stopped me in the grocery store with a stalker-like line. Thanks for that.)
  • Starting to tell someone about my feelings about an upcoming funeral and their response: “I know how you feel about that, I read your blog.”
  • My first SPAM comments. I feel so official now!  I’ve left a few for your entertainment, because yes, discussions about family and ministry should definitely lead to how can I invest money in your unheard of venture or get Celexa at a discount. Thanks for asking.
  • The great response to the release of Women in the Word. My first Bible Study DVD series.  I’m excited about those of you embarking on this study and have a few more things up my sleeve… announcements to come!
  • Countless comments and emails where you’ve shared your heart and your experiences. Thanks for your insights and advice, and making me feel not so alone in the world.
  • Connections with those of you I’ve never met in person, but have shared your hearts here, or in emails.  Thanks to those of you who have shared the blog with friends through email or Facebook. It’s such a trip to hear from people reading the blog in Alaska, California, and other random places.

The top post for this month (Drumroll?) was by far Know It All.  Evidently I’m not the only one to have made a few little mistakes in parenting.  You posted more comments on this one than any others, and they made me laugh and gasp and feel not-so-stupid after all. Thanks.

The next top hits were:

Thanks for an awesome first month for Reverend Mother. One-month-olds are cute. They spit up, poop and have gas, but that first smile makes it worth it all.  This one-month-old blogger is smiling (no comment on the other traits listed) and thankful the party is populated with wonderful friends.


P.S. – Don’t forget to subscribe so you’ll get updates when new posts appear (look just under the picture in the right column) and to share your favorite posts with friends on Facebook (by sharing a link) or through email. Thanks!


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Thanks, Jessica, for the thoughts and musings. I enjoy checking in and reading your latest bloggings. (word?)
Keep up the good work!


Good job, sweetie! 😉 Actually, I’m totally impressed with your sharing yourself. Such honesty, humor, wisdom, and courage. I have to fight the urge to call you and discuss topics, since I like to hear your voice! But your writing voice comes through loud and clear….sensitive and perceptive. More than “good job”…. inspiring and awesome!


Thanks! I was only half-kidding about you being the one to post “great job” because I always know I can count on your support and love. Thanks for always being there for me in ways I am only now finding out exist!


Moms really are the best. Isn’t it amazing how motherhood makes you treasure YOUR mom so much? I call mine regularly to tell her thank you for all the puke she cleaned up…all the hair she washed…all the bedtime songs she sang…all the fights she broke up…and I’m only up to age 6!

And just for the record there are lots of us out here who will follow your blog and comment right along with your mom for as long as you are willing to share yourself with us. Luff ya bunches, friend!

PS – Not that long ago, I had this great epiphany that my children think of me in the same way I think of my mom. She always had all the answers and knew just what to do in a crisis…so my kids must be getting the short end of the stick here, because I certainly don’t have all the answers. But that’s not really it…our moms were figuring it out too, and we thought they were awesome…so despite our missteps, our kids will likely think we are awesome too. And I think it’s genetically coded that when you are sick you want your mommy…no matter how old you are. 🙂


I totally understand the genetic code of being sick and wanting your mommy. I don’t think that ever goes away.
And – you may have more of the answers than you think! Ask your mom if she really did know it all when you were little. You’ll probably be surprised at all the times she was faking omniscience.
